Monday, September 30, 2019

Restrictive health, safety and technical standards Essay

Technical Standards: Standards and standards-related technical regulations are pervasive features of global commerce, affecting an estimated 80 percent of world commodity trade. These technical specifications make up much of the vocabulary in the exacting language of industry, consumer protection, and government regulation. As such, foreign standards and methods used to assess conformity to standards can either facilitate efficient international trade and its resultant benefits, or they can impede access to export markets. Divergent standards peculiar to a nation or region, redundant testing and compliance procedures, unilateral and non-transparent standard setting exercises, and a confusing thicket of other standards-related problems are now recognized as major impediments to free trade. For example: Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology publishes a list of imports and exports requiring mandatory quality inspection. Importers and exporters of the products on the list must subject their products to inspection and obtain a permit from the relevant government agencies (such as the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Fishery, and the Ministry of Science and Technology) at the time they go through customs. In the inspection, some products are subject to national standards, some are subject to regulations of the functional agencies, and some are subject to both. China is very concerned with the transparency of Vietnam’s mandatory quality inspection system. Language Barrier: Communication is the key to building successful business relationships. However, communication becomes complex when more than one language is involved. Interpreters and translators can play a critical role assisting exporters with the delivery of key information to prospective customers and clients. Interpreters and translators fulfill different roles in different cultures. For example, an interpreter in North America or Europe is expected to relay an unbiased account of the information to the audience. In Japan, however, an interpreter will translate the language and quite likely interpret gestures, context and meanings for those in attendance. Exporters should enlist the services of an experienced, fluent translator or interpreter who is also immersed in the culture of the target market. Working as a team, the exporter and the interpreter can review the text, presentation or other materials together to ensure that there will be no difficulties with background information, technical terms or potentially ambiguous messages. Non-tariff Barriers. Non-tariff barriers (NTBs) refer to the wide range of policy interventions other than border tariffs that affect trade of goods, services, and factors of production. Most taxonomies of NTBs include market-specific trade and domestic policies affecting trade in that market. Extended taxonomies include macro-economic policies affecting trade. NTBs have gained importance as tariff levels have been reduced worldwide. Common measures of NTBs include tariff-equivalents of the NTB policy or policies and count and frequency measures of NTBs. These NTB measures are subsequently used in various trade models, including gravity equations, to assess trade and/or welfare effects of the measured NTBs. Conclusion The world has a long history of international trade. In fact, trading among nations can be traced back to the earliest civilizations. Trading activities are directly related to an improved quality of life for the citizens of nations involved in international trade. It is safe to say that nearly every person on earth has benefited from international trading activities. This may be a good time to reinforce the idea that trade barriers are designed to protect some industries but, in fact they may hurt other industries or even consumers. Economists have found that sanctions don’t often reach their political objectives and they come with high costs. A good example is the steel tariff imposed by the Bush administration, on foreign-made steel. President Bush imposed the tariffs, ranging from 8 percent to 30 percent, on some kinds of foreign steel in March 2002, in order to help the U. S. steel industry compete with foreign steel producers. Many U. S. manufacturing companies that use steel, including manufacturers of auto parts and appliances, say that the steel tariffs have raised costs for manufacturers and caused thousands of manufacturing losses. Also, people who buy cars or appliances may have to pay higher prices because of the steel tariffs. The U. S. International Trade Commission recently concluded that the tariffs have caused a $30 million net loss to the U. S. economy. In addition, the European Union is considering retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. TBR (Trade Barrier Regulation) is Europe’s way of removing obstacles to trade, ensuring that countries abide by the rules of international trade, and providing procedures for resolving international trade disputes. Through the European Commission, its procedures interface directly with WTO dispute resolution procedures, affecting all countries subject to WTO rules and agreements notably the United States and Japan and whose industries have been the subject of recent international decisions. Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful nations in the world, though they often engage in selective protectionism for those industries which are politically important domestically, such as the protective tariffs applied to agriculture and textiles by the United States and Europe. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were both strong advocates of free trade when they were economically dominant, today the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan are its greatest proponents. However, many other countries (such as India, China and Russia) are increasingly becoming advocates of free trade as they become more economically powerful themselves. As tariff levels fall there is also an increasing willingness to negotiate non tariff measures, including foreign direct investment, procurement and trade facilitation. The latter looks at the transaction cost associated with meeting trade and customs procedures. Traditionally agricultural interests are usually in favour of free trade while manufacturing sectors often support protectionism. This has changed somewhat in recent years, however. In fact, agricultural lobbies, particularly in the United States, Europe and Japan, are chiefly responsible for particular rules in the major international trade treaties which allow for more protectionist measures in agriculture than for most other goods and services. During recessions there is often strong domestic pressure to increase tariffs to protect domestic industries. This occurred around the world during the Great Depression leading to a collapse in world trade that many believe seriously deepened the depression. The regulation of international trade is done through the World Trade Organization at the global level, and through several other regional arrangements such as MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States, Canada and Mexico, and the European Union between 27 independent states. The 2005 Buenos Aires talks on the planned establishment of the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) failed largely due to opposition from the populations of Latin American nations. Similar agreements such as the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) have also failed in recent years. Bibliography 1. Barriers to entry: Coping with protectionism. UK Investment. 18 April 2007 2. Boone, L. , and Kurtz, D. Contemporary Marketing. New York: Dryden Press. 2003 3. Brue, S. , and McConnell, C. Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2003 4. Churchill, G. , and Peter, P. Marketing: Creating Value for Customers. Austen Press. 2004 5. Czinkota, M. R. , and Ronkainen, I. A. International Marketing. New York: Dryden Press. 2005 6. Competition and Market Power. Econoclass – Sources for Economics Teachers. 18 April 2007 7. Deardorff, Alan V. , and Robert M. Stern. Measurement of Nontariff Barriers: Studies in International Economics. 2005 8. Debra Ann Skaradzinski. Testing chaotic dynamics via Lyapunov exponents. Journal of Applied Econometrics 20:7, (2003): 911. 9. Fisher, Ronald, and Pablo Serra. â€Å"Standards and Protection. † Journal of International Economics 52 (2004): 377-400. 10. Farese, L. , Kimbrell, G. , and Woloszyk, C. Marketing Essentials. Mission Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 2003 11. Henson, Spencer, and John S. Wilson, eds. The WTO and Technical Barriers toTrade, in the Critical Perspectives on the Global Trading System and the WTO series, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2005 12. Impact of Standards and Technical Regulations on Trade. Press Release from Commerce Ministry (2003). 18 April 2007 13. Journal of Behavioral Finance, Vol. 4, No. 2, (2003): Pages 65-70 14. Kee, Hiau Looi, Alessandro Nicita, and Marcelo Olarreaga. Estimating Trade Restrictiveness Indices, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper # 3840.2006 15. Kotler, P. , and Armstrong, G. Marketing: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 2004 16. â€Å"Methodologies, Classifications, Quantification and Development Impacts of Non-Tariff Barriers: Note by the UNCTAD Secretariat,† Document TD/B/COM. 1/EM. 27/2. (2004). 18 April 2007 17. Non-tariff Barriers Centre for Rural & Agricultural Development (2003). 18 April 2007 18. RSIE Working Papers. University of Michigan.(2005). 18 April 2007 < http://www. fordschool. umich. edu/rsie/workingpapers/wp. html> 19. The Impact of Regulations on Agricultural Trade. Working Paper, Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales, Paris. (2003). 18 April 2007 20. Trade, Environment and Development. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). (2005). 18 April 2007 21. Vousden, Neil. The Economics of Trade Protection. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2005.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to Improve public Schools Essay

Since the 17th century, American public schools have provided its children with a wonderful opportunity of receiving a free education that ensures a general understanding of various subjects such as mathematics and literature giving generation after generation the foundation of knowledge. Public schools have made several positive leaps since its begging from teaching only males students to teaching all genders, as well as becoming desegregated in 1969. Public schools provide a peace of mind for parents who desire the best for their children because they provide state certified teachers, free transportation, extra-curricular and after school programs, and are accountable to the state (web). Most notably, public high schools prepare students for life after school and provides a foundation for further education; however, behind all the wonderful aspects of public schools there are certain disadvantages that can hinder the academic progress of a student. Parents as well as students should be aware of these disadvantages that include: underfunded schools may not have certain materials or may have to cut some programs and too much emphasis on standardized test that creates a lot of stress on students and hinders their learning environment. Considering such disadvantages, parents and students may wonder â€Å"how can we solve this dilemma?† Nationalizing public school funding and giving less class and standardized test in order to allow students to focus on learning the curriculum are both steps and proposals that have the potential to settle the troublesome disadvantages of public schools. Different schools in different regions and states receive a wide range of funding which creates a conflict where some schools are underfunded while other are prosperous. The schools that are underfunded may not acquire certain materials that are essential for the course which hurt the process of learning for many students. Some schools are so underfunded that they result to eliminating certain courses or programs. Nearly half of the funding for public schools in the United States are provided though local taxes, generating large differences in funding between wealthy and impoverished communities. There have been efforts make public school funding more equitable yet have only provoked controversy. Some people, such as Eric Hanushek, argue that although different schools receive different amount of funding, the amount of money spent is not â€Å"systematically related to student  achievement,† therefore the wide range of public school funding is not an issue. On the other hand, people such as reviewers Rob Greenwald, Larry Hedges, and Richard Laine believer that â€Å"school resources are systematically related to student achievement,† and therefore school funding is educationally important. Although public schools in the Unites States are funded from federal, state and local sources, the funds from local property taxes generates large funding differences. A logical proposal to solve this problem would to nationalize public school funding therefore every public school depending on its level ( elementary, middle/junior, high, academy, etc.) would receive the same amount of funding which would eliminate the differences of funding for different regions. Some parents may argue that their local property taxes are higher than others and so it should go towards the funding for their child’s public school funding; however, if school funding is nationalized and standardized then each school regardless the location would receive enough funding to secure an adequate education for all children. Also, funds from local property taxes could be used to better individual communities such as building parks or community buildings as well as providing better roads instead of funding public schools. Federal taxes may rise due to nationalizing public school funding however it is for a good cause which is providing all students of America with an equal opportunity to a great education; however this proposal will be difficult to enact because it requires to federal approval and may take time to become a law. Many petitions will have to be made along with thousands of signatures so there would be a lot of support required to enact nationalizing public school funding yet if accomplished it would set a strong foundation for knowledge throughout the nation. With the creation of the No Child Left Behind act endorsed by president Bush, there has been a increasing emphasis on standardized testing for public schools that has ultimately hindered the learning environment by narrowing the curriculum, teaching to the test, and reducing the love of learning which helps drive students out of school specifically high school students. In several classes, the curriculum is taught based on the maximum potential for students to pass standardized test. This has created a sort of teach to pass instead of teach to learn class routine amongst several teachers. Consequently, several students miss out on valuable information due to the  narrowed curriculum by eliminating lessons not needed to pass a certain standardized test. The pressure put of students nowadays ,especially in high schools, can be extremely overwhelming and be a driving factor for several dropouts. Of course students do not decided to dropout of school solely on the large emphasis on standardized testing yet it is difficult to argue that it does not put a lot of stress on students who are already struggling to pass. The alarming emphasis on high-stakes standardized testing has become apparent to students,parents, as well as legislation and so there have been events that occurred with the purpose to lessen the emphasis of testing. For example, the Senate Education Committee passed a bill that â€Å"eliminated the use of scores on standardized †¦test,† that would determine if tens of thousands of schools were to be considered failing or not. Although this is a remarkable step to lessening the power set by standardized test scores it does not solve the problem of the collateral damage in public schools caused by too much testing. Indeed, tests are important to determine if a student is learning and not simply sitting in class daydreaming of irrelevant things; furthermore, students should worry about test and strive to make good grades on them. The problem with testing is not its existence but its intensity and worthiness. In the average class, test scores are worth much more compared to class work and homework. This places a huge stress on students to past test therefore they focus only on test scores instead of learning the material and applying what they have learned to real life situations. Standardized test are important in determining the progress of individual students and schools and therefore should not be eliminated however states should set a minimum of high-stake standardized test. For example there should be a maximum of one end of instruction test for important subjects and extra test that are not directly relevant to the curriculum such as benchmark tests should be eliminated. The specifics of such a policy should be left to be determined by the states due to the difficulty to enforce it as a federal policy. To make a state law that put a minimum on standardized test would require some time, petitions, and convincing for certain people but the final accomplishment would bring less stress to students and promote a better learning environment. State school boards should also divide the percentage of value of homework, classwork, participation grades, as well as class test equally. This would allow  student to focus on the important of turning in homework, participating in class, and test equally as opposed to stressing when a test is coming for it could considerably harm their grade in the class. Lessening the emphasis of test both standardized and class test would allow students to focus on the material being taught as well as allow teachers to improve the curriculum to provide the best possible educational for their students. Students can greatly benefit from the previous feasible proposals if they were to be enforced. By passing a federal law that endorses a nationalized federal funding of public schools as opposed to leaving half of public school funding to local property taxes, all American public schools would receive an equal amount of funding to use for the arts, after school programs, academic technology, or school renovations that all promote a heather and more engaging learning environment for all students. Although the process to get a bill that would enforce a fully federal funding of all public school passed by congress would take time and a lot of effort, it would provide equality for all public schools regardless of reputation or location giving students an equal opportunity. Placing a minimum on the amount of standardized test required by public schools within each state as well as making the value of class tests towards a students overall grade equal to homework and classwork would lessen the stress brought on my too much emphasis on testing which would allow students to focus on their eduction instead of simply passing the test. Such a policy would require several petitions and time to figure out what tests are more essential and which test could be eliminated; however, it would greatly reduce the stress of school making it more pleasing and allow teachers to provide the best possible education to their students. These policies can help improve the American public school system by allowing each student to take advantage of a learning based eduction that provides the knowledge needed to succeed and make a positive impact on our ever changing world.

Friday, September 27, 2019

To Be or Not to Be Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

To Be or Not to Be - Research Paper Example However, if looked negatively, it would show that the individual is very hesitant and indecisive. Hesitance and thereby indecision is normally seen as a major weakness to translate one’s thoughts and plans into action and reality. Although this weakness of hesitance would create mental blocks, the thought process and plans could reach the logical conclusion, whatever are the repercussions. Likewise, the central character of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Hamlet has the weaknesses of hesitance and indecision’s regarding his plans, however those weaknesses do not hamper the end result The story of Hamlet revolves around the theme of revenge. Prince Hamlet strives to avenge the murder of his father. Hamlet is a tragic hero because while trying to avenge the death of his father, fells into the ‘death trap’ himself. The ‘deathtrap’ is set by his uncle (father’s brother) and tragically all the main characters including Hamlet fall into the trap. When the play starts off in Elsinore in the kingdom of Denmark, King Hamlet (father) dies and so his brother Claudius becomes the king, even marrying the late king’s wife Gertrude. Hamlet is angered by his mother’s marriage to his uncle, Claudius within a short period of his father’s death. â€Å"Let me not think ont--Frailty, thy name is woman!-- A little month, or ere those shoes were old With which she followd my poor fathers body, Like Niobe, all tears†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ that wants discourse of reason, Would have mournd longer--married with my uncle.† (Shakespeare 20 ). In all these palatial developments, logical heir and son of the late king, Hamlet with a lot of hesitance and indecision keep remaining as a mute spectator. The appearance of his father’s ghost and the revelation that his father was murdered by his uncle puts Hamlet in a position where he is unable to decide whether he should fight against the circumstances that life has put him in or just surrender before his fate.

Personality Theory in Organizational Behavior Assignment

Personality Theory in Organizational Behavior - Assignment Example Some people will be very good at communicating with clients, people within the company, and competitors. These people should be assigned to tasks that involve outreach to customers or other businesses. Other people might be less extroverted. Putting them onto, say, account management and debt collection might not be wise. Similarly, accountants will need to make sure their workers are conscientious, undoubtedly the most important element of accounting. But if workers have difficulties with conscientiousness, this isn't the end of the world. Training can be one solution. Another solution can be putting more time into infrastructure: Making procedures simpler and less ambiguous, providing managerial support and monitoring, etc. Perhaps the same people who have difficulties with conscientiousness are those extroverted people who will be great handling communication. The key insight of personality theory is that everyone has different skills and that this is not a problem but a boon to organizations. Like everything in business, organizations simply have to adapt to this as a fact of the market and of life. Companies that do this well thrive, companies that don't die. Accountants will need to work with a wide variety of personality types that vary along the Big Five axes. 2. Luthans et al examined hundreds of managers in different industries and found that all of their skills and job descriptions boiled down to four roles: Management, communication, human resource management, and networking (Robbins). Management is traditional managerial roles such as distributing tasks, planning, and decision-making. Communication is paperwork and exchanging information. Human resource management is motivating, hiring, firing, etc. (It is the least important task according to Luthans et al; Robbins). And networking is interacting mostly with others, but also inside the company in terms of socializing and engaging in office.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

German unification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

German unification - Essay Example The Schleswig-Holstein War humbled Denmark, the Austro-Prussian War ended in the defeat of Austria-Hungary and the Franco-Prussian War completed German unification by the defeat of France. (Mahajan, 1999: 3) Thus, Germany turned out to be supreme and one of the most powerful sovereign states of the region. There was no single event that determined the whole process of unification; rather, many factors worked in combination and contributed to the completion of uplift progression of the German nation. All the strata of society including political leadership, intellectuals, philosophers, poets, writers, economists, military personnel, students, farmers and civil society added their share in the whole development. Otto Von Bismarck, the iron-Chancellor of Prussia, played the most formidable role in this regard.1 His skill as a diplomat was unrivalled during his reign as chancellor of Prussia and Germany. The mastery he showed in foreign policy was such that he was able to outwit all othe r powers and make their leaders look pathetic. (Graham, 2007:1) The Vienna settlement of 1815 conceived the idea of German Confederation of thirty-nine states rather than the unification of the country.2 The decisions taken in the Vienna settlement were extremely unsatisfactory one for the German people especially the moderates and nationalists, who were expecting concrete course of action which could lead them towards the way to unification. But instead of unification, only the positions of different German and non-German princes were restored under Confederation as they had been before the intervention of Napoleon Bonaparte.3 The main objective behind German Confederation was to guarantee external and internal peace of Germany and the independence of the member states. The thirty-nine states agreed not to declare war on one another, and had the obligation of helping one another in the hour of need. (Leads,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Conrad's Vision of the colonial world in nostromo and the heart of Essay

Conrad's Vision of the colonial world in nostromo and the heart of darkness - Essay Example There are also diverse political systems within the country, look at for more information. Enslavement of congo in 1800 brought many changes to the country with suppression of rights of the inhabitants and pauperization of their lives. What will help a lot is reading the biography of the author and understanding for political viewpoints and ethical standpoints to use it for the interview. Based on his biography you can give detailed explanation of why he used each symbol in his works. The main idea here is to make a contradiction between the two pieces of work. Finding common and dissimilar ideas you convey that you have fully understood what the author is trying to show through his work. He was born shortly after the Crimean war in Poland and both his father and his mother died of tuberculosis so he had to lie with his uncle. Using the fact that he left his country to avoid "being conscripted for service in the Russian army" you can see that the suppression element drove him out of his beloved country. He t ravelled to France and England and he went to Congo which fascinated him. There is here therefore a love for the setting of his work which he would most certainly not like to see under the suppression of any country. This bias is a setting for the elements of his work. The second thing you need to focus on are the characters of the two pieces of work. ... mainly in the central character and the other central characters that are in the setting is what is missing from the author's life or the kind of people they highly appreciate and miss. In any case when evaluating a piece of literature work one needs to keep in mind that even though the author is trying to convey personal convictions each literature piece is interpreted differently by the author There is no right or wrong in a literature piece, however all the elements of the piece, setting, characters, ethics, author bio etc. need to be taken into consideration to have a COMPLETE view of the piece of work and have a personal viewpoint of everything included in the work. What you might also need to do is probably memorise what is said in some parts of the text because this will convince for sure your professors that you have written the dissertation. In every academic paper details make the difference and they are always giving extra mark. Try referring to specific characters for ins tance. As far as the setting is concerned you will also need to keep in mind the political situation when the author was born and make a correlation between that and the political situation in the two works. You need to remember that you cannot focus on EVERYTHING that is considered important. You will need to extract what you think was most important for you and elaborate on this but really learn a lot of details. Your professors will read your paper and they will focus on what contradicitions are made and they will ask you questions on these. They might also ask what you mean by some sentences in your dissertation so be prepared to answer any vague points. 2. The characters of the works The second thing that need to be stressed are the main characters in Nostromo, you have Gould who

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Organisational Culture and Change Management Research Paper

Organisational Culture and Change Management - Research Paper Example The above changes are dealt in with a special focus on the impacts of the same on employees and intervention procedures enabled by the business managers. Organisational Culture and Change Management General Understanding Organisational culture is generally held to be a system of beliefs or values reflected by the employees, staffs, and managers related to a concern that in turn contributes in distinctively separating it from other concerns in the related or other industries. Seven parameters are studies that contribute to the development of such distinct organizational cultures in different organizations. Firstly the culture sets of an organization are dominated by the attribute of risk-taking or the parameter of creativity and innovation ingrained in the employees. Secondly, the behavioral attributes of the people pertaining to the study of an event in a precise or detailed fashion also amount to the development of organizational culture in the concern. Thirdly the cultural paramete rs of an organization are also developed depending on the management styles of whether to study the processes to achieve a desired set of outcomes or to be focused on observing the outcome only. Fourthly again the organizational culture also depends on the degree to which the management body of the concern endeavors to understand the effects of the outcome gained on the people or the human resources of the specific concern. Fifthly the development of the organizational culture also earns relation to the degree of patronage rendered in the cultivation of effective teams. Sixthly organizational culture is also ruled by the degree of aggressiveness or passiveness involved in the pursuit of organizational conducts. Finally in the seventh case organizational culture also earns relation to the fact in whether the concern focuses on stability or whether it focuses on gaining significant growth (Roodt, Odendaal and Robbins, 2009, p.424). The introduction and management of organizational cha nge in a specific cultural context are generally dealt into two essential types. The first type relates that change factor within organizations is a spontaneous or continuous process such that the managers need to focus on planning beforehand to help enable the effective implementation of the process thereby adopted. However, the first thought failed to hold good owing to the changing circumstances in the external organizational environment that in turn required the organization to rightly welcome an emerging technological transition or transformation. New changes in the technological environment of the concern stand as an emergent process in contrast to the pre-planned environment. Adaptation to emerging technological changes helps the organization to stand the test of times and render effective customer and market-driven services.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Lincoln and Churchill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lincoln and Churchill - Essay Example Both leaders also transformed many elements of their respective governments, in particular the thinking of their senior military officers. Lincoln had long believed in colonization and it was this colonization which truly proved a dividing line within the abolitionist movement and "by the 1850s critics such as Douglass, Garrison, and Phillips had seized the initiative. When in 1862 Lincoln suggested that free black leaders lead their people out of America, he espoused a view that had receded into significance. Moreover, as African-Americans enrolled in the Union Army and Navy, served as scouts and spies for the Union forces, and strongly supported the war effort, it became ever more difficult to deny them and their families a claim to American citizenship" (Basler, 1990). Churchill on the other hand worked by transforming Parliament and the British people, and he did this in a number of ways but namely by convincing them that Britain would still be able to win the war, when in realit y there was really no hope or actual viability for this at all. Both Lincoln and Churchill used their commu

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Theme of Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example for Free

Theme of Fahrenheit 451 Essay The theme of Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury contains a setting of a world where society itself was destructive. In this story characters and society are portrayed to be soulless and self-centered. Immoral things such as killing in this society have no affect on characters and ignorance is considered as the norm. By the setting containing an environment where life has no importance and entertainment is more valuable, this aspect does affect the characters’ attitude, decisions and general behavior entirely. There are a few examples that describe perfectly how the setting impacts the character such as Clarisse, Mildred and Guy. Even though all characters are set in a dystopia, not all characters react the same way. Most characters are consumed by their surrounding, while the setting reflects others. In the scene where Montag and Clarisse had their first encounter, the mood is set as romantic and relaxing. The city streets are empty and calm with the moon shining down and creating a silhouette as the wind lightly blows through them. It isn’t a cold night but refreshing. Clarisse walks slowly towards him enjoying every moment of the wind brushing against her body and hair. Everything seems to be in slow motion where there is no cars rushing down the road. The streets are quite and full of tranquility. The only characters that are walking down the street are Clarisse and Montag. This setting reflects on the true nature of Clarisse’s personality. The setting describes a relaxing atmosphere where everything seems to fall into place and this is how Clarisse attitude is towards life it self. The general behavior of this character shows how the little things are what matters, enjoying the surrounding and admire the small things, which was no longer appreciated. Unlike Clarisse, Mildred is a city girl who needs to feel the rush. Her attitude towards life made her fit perfectly in the society she was set in. only caring for the thrill and anything that would keep her distracted at the moment. In the scene where Guy shows Mildred the hidden books he has collected throughout the year, one can see how the setting explains Mildred’s behavior towards her husband and society. In the scene where both character is located in their home everything seemed to be separated, Mildred had her parlor while Guy has an empty room. The atmosphere is dry and cluttered, giving the feeling of a non-welcoming home. In the scene when Guy takes the books out from the ventilator to show Mildred, the secret he has been hiding from her for so many year, Mildred looks down to the books as if the floor has open and let out a family of rodents. She slides down the wall as if the universe crashed into million of pieces. Fearful of what lies ahead, she trembles and as ks Guy to stop himself before he get any deeper then what he is in. This setting not only shows the emptiness between Mildred and Guy but also how weak and influenced by society Mildred is. One of the scene were setting can be seen as a huge impact is when Guy Montag is in the subway. This scene is described as a dark place with jet-black tiles. The atmosphere is full of emptiness and helplessness. Guy Montag is shown to be an emotional mess, confused by his thoughts and physically numb. As he looked at the Bible and tried to understand as much as he could from the book, he remembered a moment in his childhood when he was tying to fill a sieve with sand. This memory compared the words of the Bible to the sand. He felt as if the words were slipping out of his mind because he couldn’t concentrate over the loud announcement repeating itself in the train stations radio. When he notices he wouldn’t collect any information because of the distraction Guy went into frenzy. Guy yelled trying to over come the voices of the train station radio. The place itself is a trap to Montag and he is not able to breathe or concentrate. Slowly, Montag gives up and hopes someone will come to his rescue, to take him back to his old life when things were simpler. One can see how the setting causes anger and frustration in Montag. This setting shows how Montag’s internal point of view can be express through the tiles of the subways. This setting supports Montag’s frustration and sees how it affects his behavior in general. As shown through out the essay setting contains a huge impact on the characters. Setting is nothing more then an extension of the character itself. The best example is the setting of Guy Montag in the train. Everything seems to foreshadow an event were something bad is going to happen from the tiles to the atmosphere of the place that was described. Though the characters play out the events of the story, the setting is what makes the character react and behave the way it does. In scene when Montag meets Clarisse the setting is what showed her true behavior and all the aspect of Clarisse. A setting is more then just a place but in general it is what impacts the characters to behave and react as they do in the story.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Christmas present Essay Example for Free

Christmas present Essay This passage shows that everyone around the table knows the goose is cheap but is all-thankful of how it looks. This here shows that they really make the best of what they have. Many different ways Victorian reality was different including infant mortality which Dickens talks about through Bob Cratchit son Tiny Tim, whose the smallest of the house at sits on Bob Cratchit arm. Tiny Tim hasnt got much and is crippled but he is still a blessing to the Cratchit family. He is warm-hearted and has innocence. He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk and blind men see. Tiny Tim hear is thinking about others and not himself, this goes to show he hasnt got much, and is a cripple but is still in the Christmas season. Which shows that Tiny Tim is very selfless. Through all of this experience Scrooge is silent all the way through and this shows the reader that he is very ashamed. This is confirmed when the Ghost of Christmas present says the words that Scrooge had said. Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief. The reader starts to realise that Scrooge is changing and feeling sorry for what he had said, and wishes he could take it all back. Scrooge is starting to truly find out the nature of the Christmas season. But he still hasnt fully got it yet; he has still got more to come. On the journey to other places, which were celebrating Christmas, Dickens uses a number of long sentences to build up tension and to describe places. And now, without a word of warning from the ghost, they stood upon a beak and desert moor, where monstrous masses of rude stone were cast about, as though it were the burial-place of giants; and water spread itself where over it listed or would have done so, but for the frost that held it prisoner; and nothing grew but moss and furze, and coarse, rank grass. Dickens uses a sentence structure where there are many sub co ordinate clauses first in the sentence before the main clause. This is used to build up tension and describe places they are the ghost and Scrooge are going to visit. Dickens gets Scrooge to go to these places because Scrooge needs to change his selfish ways, and by showing him how poor and rich people celebrate their Christmas and they are both alike. The next and last place Scrooge goes to is his nephew. His nephew is sympathetic to him but the rest arent so easily quick to accept his new ways. I am sorry for him; I couldnt be angry with him if I tried. Who suffers by his ill whims! Himself, always. Here he takes into his head to dislike us, and he wont come and dine with us. Scrooges nephew feels sorry for him being so selfish and tries to justify his selfish ways to the rest of the family. I have no patience with him, observed scrooges niece. Scrooges nieces sisters, and all the other ladies, expressed the same opinion. Apart from Scrooges nephew they havent got time for Scrooge and his selfish ways. By watching his own family he realises and finds out what people think about him, the truth about his behaviour. Then he realises that other people are very important to him. Family is important! A Merry Christmas and a Happy Year New Year to the old man, whatever he is! Even though Scrooge is selfish and has a solid cold heart, his family still love him and still wish him a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To conclude, by Scrooge hearing this, going from door to door, following all the ghosts back through his life helps him to change his selfish ways and antics. Which helps to live and good and prosperous lifestyle, and start to find out what the Christmas season is all about.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance of Human Resource Development

Importance of Human Resource Development Importance of HRD Companies derive competitive advantage from training and development. Training and development programmes, as was pointed out earlier, help remove performance deficiencies in employee. This is particularly true when (1) the deficiency is caused by a lack of ability rather than a lack of motivation to perform, (2) the individual(s) involved have the aptitude and motivation need to learn to do the job better, and (3) supervisors and peers are supportive of the desired behaviors There is greater stability, flexibility, and capacity for growth in an organization. Training contributes to employee stability in at least two ways. Employees become efficient after undergoing training. Efficient employees contribute to the growth of the organization. Growth renders stability to the workforce. Further, trained employees tend to stay with the organization. They seldom leave the company. Training makes the employees versatile in operations. All rounders can be transferred to any job. Flexibility is therefore ensured. Growth indicates prosperity, which is reflected in increased profits from year to year. Who else but well-trained employees can contribute to the prosperity of an enterprise? Accidents, scrap and damage to machinery and equipment can be avoided or minimized through training. Even dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism, and turnover can be reduced if employees are trained well. Future needs of employees will be met through training and development programmes. Organizations take fresh diploma holders or graduates as apprentices or management trainees. They are absorbed after course completion. Training serves as an effective source of recruitment. Training is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future. A companys training and development pays dividends to the employee and the organization. Though no single training programme yields all the benefits, the organization which devotes itself to training and development enhances its HR capabilities and strengthens its competitive edge. At the same time, the employees personal and career goals are furthered, generally adding to his or her abilities and value to the employer. Ultimately, the objectives of the HR department are also furthered. Reasons for managers having poor views of training There are many impediments which can make a training programme ineffective. Following are the major hindrances: Management Commitment is Lacking and Uneven Most companies do not spend money on training. Those that do, tend to concentrate on managers, technicians and professionals. The rank-and-file workers are ignored. This must change, for, as a result of rapid technological change, combined with new approaches to organizational design and production management, workers are required to learn three types of new skills: (i) the ability to use technology, (ii) the ability to maintain it, and (ill) the ability to diagnose system problems. In an increasingly competitive environment, the ability to implement rapid changes in products and technologies is often essential for economic viability Aggregate Spending on Training is Inadequate Companies spend minuscule proportions of their revenues on training. Worse still, budget allocation to training is the first item to be cut when a company faces a financial crunch. Educational Institutions Award Degrees but Graduates Lack Skills This is the reason why business must spend vast sums of money to train workers in basic skills. Organizations also need to train employees in multiple skills. Managers, particularly at the middle level, need to be retrained in team-playing skills, entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills and customer-orientation skills. Large-scale Poaching of Trained Workers Trained workforce is in great demand. Unlike Germany, where local business groups pressure companies not to poach on another companys employees, there is no such system in our country. Companies in our country, however, insist on employees to sign bonds of tenure before sending them for training, particularly before deputing them to undergo training in foreign countries. Such bonds are not effective as the employees or the poachers are prepared to pay the stipulated amounts as compensation when the bonds are breached. No Help to Workers Displaced because of Downsizing Organizations are downsizing and de-layering in order to trim their workforces. The government should set apart certain fund from the National Renewal Fund for the purpose of retraining and rehabilitating displaced workers. Recommendations The last stage in the training and development process is the evaluation of results. Since huge sums of money are spent on training and development, how far the programme has been useful must be judged/determined. Evaluation helps determine the results of the training and development programme. In practice, however, organizations either overlook or lack facilities for evaluation. Need for Evaluation: The main objective of evaluating the training programmes is to determine if they are accomplishing specific training objectives that are, correcting performance deficiencies. A second reason for evaluation is to ensure that any changes in trainee capabilities are due to the training programme and not due to any other conditions. Training programmes should be evaluated to determine their cost effectiveness. Evaluation is useful to explain programme failure, should finally, credibility of training and development is greatly enhanced when it is proved that the organization has benefited tangibly from it. Principles of Evaluation: Evaluation of the training programme must be based on the principles: Evaluation specialist must be clear about the goals and purposes of evaluation. Evaluation must be continuous. Evaluation must be specific. Evaluation must provide the means and focus for trainers to be able to appraise themselves, their practices, and their products. Evaluation must be based on objective methods and standards. Realistic target dates must be set for each phase of the evaluation process. A sense of urgency must be developed, but deadlines that are unreasonably high will result in poor evaluation Criteria for Evaluation: The last column in Fig. 9.1 contains a number of potential goals Training validity: Did the trainees learn during training? Transfer validity: What has been learnt in training, has it been transferred on the job enhanced performance in the work organization? Intra-organizational validity: Is performance of the new group of trainees, for which the training programme was developed, consistent with the performance of the original training group? Inter-organizational validity: Can a training programme validated in one organization be used successfully in another organization? These questions often result in different evaluation techniques. Techniques of Evaluation: Several techniques of evaluation are being used in organization may be stated that the usefulness of the methods is inversely proportional to the ease with which evaluation can be done. One approach towards evaluation is to use experimental and control groups. Each group is randomly selected, one to receive training (experimental) and the other not to receive training (control). The random selection helps to assure the formation of groups quite similar to each other. Measures are taken of the relevant indicators of success (e.g. words typed per minute, quality pieces produced per hour, wires attached per minute) before and after training for both groups. If the gains demonstrated by the experimental groups are better than those by the control group, the training programme is labeled as successful. Another method of training evaluation involves longitudinal or time-series analysis. Measures are taken before the programme begins and are continued during and after the programme is completed. These results are plotted on a graph to determine whether changes have occurred and remain as a result of the training effort. To further validate that change has occurred as a result of training and not due to some other variable, a control group may be included. One simple method of evaluation is to send a questionnaire to the trainees after the completion the programme to obtain their opinions about the programmes worth. Their opinions could through interviews. A variation of this method is to measure the knowledge and/or skills that employee possess at the commencement and completion of a training. If the measurement reveals that the results after training are satisfactory, then the training may be taken as successful.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Social Construction of Gender Roles Essay -- Papers male masculine

The Social Construction of Gender Roles Gender or sex roles are the expected patterns of behavior assumed to follow from a person's sex. Gender roles are not natural. They are formed by and vary within society, culture, geographic location, politics and time. There is a strong relationship between the social construction of gender and compulsory heterosexuality. People are programmed into certain gender roles and social categories through socialization and interaction with others. Expectations about appropriate gender role characteristics and sexual behavior have evolved throughout history, especially for women. In the 1700’s and 1800’s, the men’s role included earning an income to support a family and working in the farms, while the female’s role included the responsibility to have and to care for children, running a household and assisting a husband in farm labor. Running a household and caring for children was considered a â€Å"full-time† job. Children were taught their roles when they were very young. Boys were shown how to farm and provide for their future families’ as they attended school. Girls learned how to do the household chores and received only the very basic education. They were taught how to be wives and mothers. By the end of the 1800’s, higher education began to become available for women. The Industrial era brought new developments for the sex roles. The male world expanded and men had the opportunity to take up new careers and the freedom to move around the country more conveniently. They were still the breadwinners and dominated the government, legal and medical agencies. Women’s roles during this time also changed but not as much as men’s. The... ...rately, use different washrooms and play different sports. Even the fact that most teachers are females and most of the administration is male cause children to realize that each gender has a different role in life. This kind of treatment makes children aware that boys and girls are different. The media is a powerful social agent that portrays gender roles and stereotyping. Many prime time television shows, movies and commercials portray young beautiful women as either sex symbols or the â€Å"typical† women who cooks, cleans and cares for the house. These situations teach young girls that beauty and their role as a nurturer is what is valued in society. If gender were a natural phenomenon to men and women, then why does it have to be taught? Why must we be told to â€Å"be a man† or â€Å"act like a lady,† and be reprimanded for doing what comes naturally when it is deemed

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Employee Compensation and Turnover Essay -- Human Resources Management

Employee Compensation and Turnover Often, "an excessively high turnover rate compared to the industry standard is a symptom of problems within the organization" (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin & Cardy 1998). Managers must realize that "high staff turnover can prove costly, particularly to small businesses" (Oliver 1998). Strategies have to be crafted that will minimize turnover and the costs associated with it. Although strategies used to retain employees can be expensive, turnover is a cyclical problem that usually becomes more expensive in the long run (Brannick 1998). Costs that organizations face when employees depart include recruitment costs associated with finding replacements, selection costs associated with interviewing, relocating and screening, training costs and separation costs such as severance pay (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy 1998). Managers can reward employees with tangible or intangible compensation (Brannick 1998). Tangible compensation includes salary increases, benefits, bonuses, potential for advancement a nd stock options (Brannick 1998). The good news for managers is that there are also inexpensive strategies that can be implemented to make and keep employees happy with their jobs. Intangible compensation includes respect, feedback, recognition, the opportunity to be heard and encouragement (Armentrout 1998). All of these means of compensation can be effective if managers take the time to get to know their employees and what makes them happy. The human resource function, compensation management is at the center of all of these issues. THE EFFECTS OF TURNOVER Employee turnover rate is defined as the measure of the rate at which employees leave a firm (Gomez-Mejia, Luis, Balkin & Cardy 1998). Turnover has b... ... (1998). Controlling employee turnover [5 paragraphs]. [Online]. Available WWW: Brannick, Joan (1998). Decreasing the staggering costs of turnover in your organization [14 paragraphs]. [Online]. Available WWW: Condodina, Jen, Ermel, Lauren (1997). Compensating packages changing shape. HRFocus, p.S-1. Davis, Barbara (1997). Strategies for managing retention. HRFocus, p.S-3. Gomez-Mejia, Luis, Balkin, David, Cardy, Robert (1998). Managing Human Resources, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Oliver, Judith (1998). High staff turnover- find out why your staff are leaving. Management Today, p.84. Shaw, Jason, Delery, John, Jenkins, Douglas, Gupta, Nina (1998). An organization-level analysis of voluntary and involuntary turnover. Academy of Management Journal, 41, p.511.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Issues in educational Research Essay

Educational setting as used here refers to areas like schools, colleges, universities and primary schools where education is carried out. There are several issues that are related to research and may therefore be addressed by a relevant research (Joan 2002, p. 218). The issues range from those which are related to the learning environment, those concerned with infrastructure, economic factors as well as social issues in the learning institution. Issues of research may include for instance, how effective education policies are to a given or to all institutions or how ineffective they are, whether new changes in college policies have any significant impact, a study of the behavior of students in relation to a certain administrative issue, a study on which education tools are most effective in terms of content delivery as a measure of their performance, a study of relevance or appropriateness of a certain education system for schools, a study comparing effectiveness of teaching and learning methods in both private and public schools, study of social behavior of students at different levels of education or at private compared to at public schools, an inquiry in to why some students fail exams and others pass even after being exposed to similar treatment at school environment, the role of parents and guardians in contributing to children’s performance†¦. the list of educational research issues is endless(Biklen 1992, p. 73). Quantitative methods used in an educational setting One of the quantitative methods appropriate is collection of data about the issue of study. It may be done by collecting primary data about the students directly which may be done by taking a total count of the population under study or just developing a sampling frame where a section of the population is selected, without bias, and studied to obtain information about the whole student population (Mechthild, 1996, 69). Questionnaires may also be administered where students may fill their data and then analyzed using appropriate statistical technique such as SPSS, Excel among others. Secondary data may be used by obtaining information from their records kept by administration. Data obtained this way may be about performance, grand social misconducts, etc (Michael 2005, p. 46). Ethical considerations for research in educational settings Researchers are faced with the responsibility of researchers in the field of education in conjunction with the funding bodies as well as the host institutions to uphold the general human rights in the processes of conducting research in as far as the field of education is concerned (Elliott & Stern 2007, p. 567). The ethical issue with this respect addresses the privacy rights as well as the freedom to give information. In consideration to the rights of the children, there is a special need for the protection of the children from any possible harm and at the same time ensuring that the children have played an active role as positive participants in the processes of decision making the clear fact is that research in the field of education mostly targets children to whom the research is most often directed. In the realization of the fact that this is the vulnerable segment of the society, the educational researchers have the responsibility for the protection of the children in the process of conducting their research, and at the same time addressing the issue of the maintenance of the integrity of the intended research and the community at large (Gross & Ruby, 2003, 321). The researcher should pledge to accomplish this objective through the maintenance of the right competency and a progressive evaluation of the research for its adequacy in matters of ethics as well as scientific competency. Research in this field incorporates education as well and it should therefore not be rigorous but capable for the noble contribution to the enhancement of the quality in education in the society (Elliott & Stern 2007, p. 67).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Beach Burial by Kenneth Slessor Essay

Kenneth Slessor wrote the poem Beach Burial whilst he completed his occupation as the official Australian Correspondent in the Middle East. Due to Slessor’s observations of the war at close quarters he soon learnt about the horrific horrors of war. During Slessor’s stay in El Alamein which is a small village found on the Egypt Mediterranean coast he wrote the poem to describe the realities of war and what realistically happens after heroes are killed. Kenneth Slessor has used imagery and various poetic techniques to establish his purpose to the audience in his poem Beach Burial. Slessor has successfully conveyed his purpose to create a high depth of sympathy and pity for the soldiers who have washed up to the shore after being killed in action or died during the voyage at sea. Slessor has used rhyme in his poem to create an intense emotional reaction to the audience. He has done this by using the rhyme pattern of ABCB. The use of Slessor’s rhyme creates a sense of flow to the audience. This particular statement works well with the beach scene featured in the poem and the amount of dead men continually sinuously into the beach. The line â€Å"the convoys of dead soldiers come† reinstates this idea. Slessor also proposes that war is inevitable and always continue just like the dead men. Slessor’s purpose of half rhymes also creates a standstill in the poem, the audience stops for a moment to reflect on the realities of war and how dreadful and disrespectful the dead men are treated after they have fought and served for their country. We also meditate for what has happened to the men and what really happens after death at war. To reinforce Slessor’s purpose he uses the lines â€Å"wavers and fades, the purple drips, the breath of the wet season has washed their inscriptions as blue as drowned men’s lips.† This describes the way in which our men are forgotten and no longer required for the war effort. Slessor wants the responder to recognize this fact. By using a somber tone Slessor has created a sympathetic feeling to arouse the audience. As the poem continues we build up pity causing us to think and even shed a tear. Slessor has used a powerful feel to create strong imagery in our minds. The mood expressed by Slessor has alluded to the memory of the men who have been buried unknowingly who they are and what they have done. The missing identity that Slessor has suggested is located in the quote†unknown seamen- the ghostly pencil wavers and fades, the purple drips.† This illustrates to the audience that men have died in vain and are being forgotten but Slessor is reuniting these circumstances with the audience. His influential language brings out our emotions and he attempts for us to relive the moments and memories of our loved ones who have passed away. Through the living conditions and stress positioned upon Slessor his experiences have influenced his poetry to create this masterpiece. Slessor has successfully conveyed his purpose of displaying the realities of war and the realistic views on soldiers after they are no longer needed, through poetic techniques like rhyme and the mood and build up of tension and sympathy in his poetry. Bibliography old poetry, 7th July 2006Book Rags, 7th July 2006

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My paper Essay

This general education course is designed to introduce the intentional learner to communication, collaboration, information utilization, critical thinking, problem solving, and professional competence and values. The course uses an interdisciplinary approach for the learner to develop personal academic strategies in order to reach desired goals and achieve academic success. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Ellis, D. (2011). Becoming a master student (13th ed. ). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Academic Success Details Due Points Objectives 1. 1 Identify university resources for success. 1. 2 Develop educational and professional goals. 1. 3 Recognize the importance of personal responsibility. 1. 4 Demonstrate the key elements of the writing process. Reading Read the introduction of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 2 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 10 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 11 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Video CWE Watch the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) video on the student website. Video CME Watch the Center for Math Excellence (CME) video on the student website. Presentation CME View the Center for Mathematics Excellence (CME) presentation on the student website. Tutorial University Library Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Finding Information at the University Library through the link on the student website. Complete the Learnscape Activities. Tutorial Financial Options Review the Financial Options information available on the link provided on the student website. Tutorial The Writing Process Review the CWE Grammar and Writing Guides: Guidelines for Writing Academic Essays on the student website. Audio Goal Setting and Time Management Listen to the â€Å"Goal Setting and Time Management† audio lecture located on the student website. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Time Management and Goals Complete the following exercises in Ch. 2 of Becoming a Master Student. Exercise 7: Time Monitor/Time Plan Process Exercise 10: Get Real with Your Goals Participation Participate in class discussion. See Discussion Forum 3 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. See Discussion Forum Individual Ethical Lens Inventory Complete the Ethical Lens Inventory through the link on the student website. Due by Week 1, Day 7 2 Individual Personal Responsibility Essay: Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Resources: CWE Thesis Generator; CWE Sample Outline Review the assignment directions for the Personal Responsibility Essay, due in Week Five. Create a thesis statement and informal outline for your Personal Responsibility Essay. Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Worksheet on the student website. Due by Week 1, Day 7 3 Week Two: Collaboration Details Due Points Objectives 2 2. 1 Describe methods of collaboration. 2. 2 Determine strategies for enhancing team performance. 2. 3 Identify strategies for conflict resolution. Reading Read Ch. 1 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 9 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read the following materials in the Learning Team Toolkit: Welcome Handbook (appropriate to your campus) Why Learning Teams? â€Å"Team† Competence at Work Toolkit for Effective Team Building Team Basics Additional Resources References Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Attitudes and Learning Complete the following exercises in Ch. 1 of Becoming a Master Student: Exercise 4: The Discovery Wheel Exercise 5: Develop your multiple intelligences Tutorial Overview of CWE Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Overview of the CWE through the link on the student website. Complete the Learnscape Activities. Audio University Goals & Collaborative Learning Listen to the â€Å"University Goals and Collaborative Learning† audio lecture on the student website. Participation Participate in class discussion. See Discussion Forum 3 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. See Discussion Forum Career Activity Interests and Competencies By completing the Career Plan activities in this course, you are creating a career plan that can help you focus on your career goals and relate those goals to your work in this course and throughout your academic program. You must complete each activity to proceed with building My Career Plan in the following weeks. You can access your results at any time in My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services on the student website. For additional information, review the My Career Plan Student Guide on the Career Plan website. Access My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services located on the student website. Complete the Career Interest Profiler (if you have not done so already). Complete the Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies. Take a screen shot of the results from the Competencies activity and post the Word document as an attachment in the Assignments tab: Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screen shot. Open a blank Microsoft ® Word document. Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screen shot into the document. Save the Word document to your computer. Due by Week 2, Day 7 2 Learning Team Instructions Week Two Learning Team Exercises Complete the Week Two Learning Team Exercises presented by your facilitator. Due by Week 2, Day 7 1 Learning Team Instructions Career Plan Discussion Reflect on your results from the Interests and Competencies activities in My Career Plan and discuss the following questions as a team: In what ways can understanding your personal competencies help in a collaborative setting? What competencies did your career plan indicate you possessed? How might you apply your strengths to enhance your team performance? Online classroom: Summarize your discussion in 150 words and post your response to the â€Å"Career Building: Competencies† thread created by your facilitator in the Main forum. Local-campus classroom: Come to class prepared to give a 2-minute informal presentation of your thoughts. Due by Week 2, Day 7 1 Individual Collaboration Complete the Ethics Exercise: Collaboration through the link on the student website. Due by Week 2, Day 7 2 Individual Personal Responsibility Essay: Rough Draft Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Worksheet Write a 350- to 700-word rough draft of your Personal Responsibility Essay (due in Week Five) based on your thesis statement and informal outline. Include the following: Define personal responsibility and what it means to you. Explain the relationship between personal responsibility and college success. Include a preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in your education. Note. APA formatting is required for this assignment. Due by Week 2, Day 7 8 Learning Team Team Building Worksheet Resources: Discovery Wheel and Develop Your Multiple Intelligences exercises in Ch. 1 of Becoming a Master Student; Ethics Exercise: Collaboration Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Team Building Worksheet on the student website. Due by Week 2, Day 7 6 Week Three: Information Utilization Details Due Points Objectives 3 3. 1 Perform research in the University Library. 3. 2 Evaluate sources of information for relevancy, reliability, and bias. 3. 3 Demonstrate summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting information from various sources. Reading Read Ch. 3 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 4 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 5 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Essay Review Submit your Personal Responsibility Essay rough draft to WritePoint ® for review. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Personal Responsibility Essay: Research Complete the Library Research Tutorial, available on the University Library home page. Find at least two library sources for the Personal Responsibility Essay. Summarize information for both sources. Tutorial Citations and References Review the CWE Tutorials and Guides: Writing Style Guidelines and APA Information on the student website. Explore the CWE Reference and Citation Generator on the University Library home page. Tutorial Plagiarism Review Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Plagiarism Review at the CWE through the link on the student website. Complete the Learnscape Activities. Video The Writing Process Watch â€Å"The Writing Process† video on the student website. Participation Participate in class discussion. See Discussion Forum 3 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. See Discussion Forum Career Activity Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preferences Access My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services located on the student website. Complete the Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preferences. (Access is only available after completing the Career Interest Profiler and the Competencies activity). Take a screen shot of your Work Culture Preferences results and post the Word document as an attachment in the Assignments tab. Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screen shot. Open a blank Microsoft ® Word document. Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screen shot into the document. Save the Word document to your computer. Write a 350-word summary discussing the results from the Career Interest Profiler, Competencies, and Work Culture Preferences activities. Research the following items in the University library and include your findings in the summary: Possible employers that would fit with your provided competencies Types of jobs that would align with your work culture preferences Due by Week 3, Day 7 5 Learning Team Instructions APA Reference and Citation Worksheet Review the following CWE materials: Grammar and Writing Guidelines: Plagiarism – Understanding Paraphrase Grammar and Writing Guidelines: Plagiarism – Using Direct Quotations Examine the importance and applicability of the APA guidelines for academic work. Complete the University of Phoenix Material: APA Reference and Citation Worksheet with examples from team members’ sources. Learning Team Instructions Week Three Learning Team Exercises Complete the Week Three Learning Team Exercises presented by your facilitator. Due by Week 3, Day 7 2 Individual Personal Responsibility Essay: Research and Organization Resources: CWE Annotated Bibliography and CWE Reference and Citation Generator Review the CWE Annotated Bibliography on the student website. Prepare an annotated bibliography for the sources in your Personal Responsibility Essay. Include the following information: Reference citation for each source Summary of the information in the source and how you determined it to be reliable Write a 350-word explanation of the following: How you determined the sources to be reliable and relevant, and whether or not there is an author bias How this information might strengthen or weaken your essay Format your explanation consistent with APA guidelines. Due by Week 3, Day 7 8 Week Four: Communication Details Due Points Objectives 4 4. 1 Prepare a research paper. 4. 2 Prepare a presentation. Reading Read Ch. 8 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Tutorial Creating a Presentation Complete the Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® tutorial on the student website. Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Making a Successful Presentation through the link on the student website. Complete the Learnscape Activities. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Personal Responsibility: Revision Revise your Personal Responsibility Essay rough draft to incorporate facilitator feedback, WritePoint ® suggestions, and your library research. Participation Participate in class discussion. See Discussion Forum 3 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. See Discussion Forum Career Activity Career Plan Building Activity: Reasoning Abilities Access My Career Plan in Phoenix Career Services located on the student website. Complete the Career Plan Building Activity: Reasoning Abilities. Take a screen shot of your Reasoning Abilities results and post the Word document as an attachment in the Assignments tab: Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screen shot. Open a blank Microsoft ® Word document. Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screen shot into the document. Save the Word document to your computer. Due by Week 4, Day 7 2 Learning Team Instructions Personal Responsibility Essay: Peer Review Share your Personal Responsibility Essay rough draft. Discuss each team member’s rough draft and provide feedback. Use the University of Phoenix Material: Peer Review Form to note teammates’ suggestions. Learning Team Instructions Week Four Learning Team Exercises Complete the Week Four Learning Team Exercises presented by your facilitator. Due by Week 4, Day 7 1 Learning Team Instructions Career Plan Discussion Part 1 – Reasoning Abilities Reflect on your results from the Reasoning Abilities section on in My Career Plan and discuss the following questions as a team: How can learning about your reasoning skills help to improve how you write a research paper or give a presentation? How can learning about your reasoning skills help improve a work environment? Online classroom: Summarize your discussion in 150 words and post your response as a reply to the â€Å"Career Building: Reasoning Abilities† thread created by your facilitator in the Main forum. Local-campus classroom: Come to class prepared to give a 2-minute informal presentation of your thoughts. Part 2 – Career Planning Reflect individually on your My Career Plan results from the entire course. What are the next steps in your career plan? What milestones have you established in the Career Plan to monitor your progress towards your career goals? Why do you think these steps are important in helping you progress? How can you focus your time and attention in future courses based on your career competencies and goals? Online classroom: Post your response to the questions as a Reply to the â€Å"Career Planning† thread created by your facilitator in the Main forum. Local-campus classroom: Come to class prepared to give a 2-minute informal presentation of your thoughts. Due by Week 4, Day 7 2 Individual Ethics Simulation Complete the Ethics Simulation: Dilemmas: The Purloined Paper and The Big Presentation through the link on the student website. Due by Week 4, Day 7 3 Individual Personal Ethical Statement Resources: Ethical Lens Inventory Write a 350- to 700-word reflective statement that defines your personal ethical viewpoint. Include what you learned through the Ethical Lens Inventory: Your preferred ethical lens Your blind spot Your strengths and weaknesses Your values and the resultant behaviors Due by Week 4, Day 7 8 Week Five: Critical Thinking and Professional Competence Details Due Points Objectives 5 5. 1 Examine ethics issues. 5. 2 Identify personal bias and emotion. 5. 3 Determine the relationship between higher education and professional competence. Reading Read Ch. 7 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read Ch. 12 of Becoming a Master Student. Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Nongraded Activities and Preparation Professional Competence Presentation (Preparation) Resource: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® tutorial Create an outline for the Profession Competence Presentation. Consider the following questions: What role do ethics play in professional competence? How might you use what you have learned about your ethical perspective to develop professional competence? Tutorial Critical Thinking Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Assessing the Validity of Varying Points of View through the link on the student website. Complete the Learnscape Activities. Participation Participate in class discussion. See Discussion Forum 3 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. See Discussion Forum Learning Team Instructions Week Five Learning Team Exercises Complete the Week Five Learning Team Exercises presented by your facilitator. Due by Week 5, Sunday, Day 6 1 Individual Ethical Decision Making Complete the following Ethics Exercises through the link on the student website. Digital Footprint Financial Responsibility Student Marketplace Due by Week 5, Sunday, Day 6 5 Individual Personal Responsibility Essay Resources: Personal Responsibility Essay rough draft; University of Phoenix Material: APA Reference and Citation Worksheet; Learning Team peer reviews; facilitator feedback Write a 700- to 1,400-word paper expanding your Personal Responsibility Essay by incorporating feedback from your facilitator and teammates, and including the following: An introduction A minimum of 2 properly cited and referenced research sources from the University Library A plan to incorporate effective strategies for success as a student A conclusion Reference page Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines. Due by Week 5, Sunday, Day 6 10 Individual Competency Presentation Resources: Learning Team discussion; Professional Competence Presentation Outline; Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® tutorial; Career Plan Create a professional competency presentation plan that answers the following questions: Describe your competencies and how they reflect your work culture preferences. Do these competencies intersect with your potential career? Explain. Why are the competencies important to your future career goals? What is the industry outlook for your preferred career path? You can locate this information in the following places: Job Market Research Tool in Phoenix Career Services The Company Directories and Financials databases in the University Library (under Library Resources) BLS. gov Based on your activity results, what are three possible employers that align with your preferred career path? What actions can you take either to improve your stronger core competencies or to strengthen the areas in which you are not as strong as you progress through each course in the program? Create a presentation of 7 to 10 slides, or 5 to 7 minutes, with speaker notes, showing your plan for using your education to develop professional competencies. (Note: Oral presentations are not required for this assignment. ) Due by Week 5, Sunday, Day 6 5 Learning Team Learning Team Charter Resources: Learning Team Toolkit, activities, and University of Phoenix Material: Team Building Worksheet Complete the Learning Team Charter located in the Learning Team Toolkit. Due by Week 5, Sunday, Day 6 8 Copyright University of Phoenix ® and WritePoint ® are registered trademarks of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft ®, and PowerPoint ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix ® editorial standards and practices.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Luck Co. Case Study

Luck Companies Case Study Mngt 393 1. Physical Environment Segment. I would have to say neutral effect on industry because even though the resources this industry excavates is positive for the industry, scouting locations, availability of resources and diminished resources offset those positives. Also important but NOT the most important would be Economic (Neutral) and Demographic (positive). 2. Most influential of 5 forces would be Rivalry among competing firms (High) and Threat of Substitute Products (moderate). The industry Luck Company operates is composed of a few big players who compete against each other.Substitutes of stone/rock would be a threat to the industry, depending on what building materials are needed there are some alternatives such as wood, metal, steel, aluminum and other new artificial building materials. This is not an attractive industry for new entrants. Barriers to Entry are very high. These companies in the industry are operating on economies of scale that c annot be replicated. Incumbents who are operating with positive returns should continue their strategy and look for opportunities for growth. 3. Major competition in the mid-eastern region consists of Vulcan Materials and Martin Marietta Materials.Both of these companies operate on cost-leadership strategies and will continue because Luck Companies uses a differentiation strategy. 4. The most critical value chain activities for Luck Companies would be Operations (superior- industry leader of industry technology) and Distribution (neutral- I didn’t see anything to suggest they are superior/inferior to their competition) and the major support functions are their human resources departments (superior – Luck Companies operates under a â€Å"values driven culture† that is intended to achieve greater financial outcomes and better performance 5.Significant Financial Factors – 25% Market share in Virginia as of 2010. Net Sales of 2. 5 billion in 2009, down from 3 . 0 billion in 2006 but economic factors weight in on those numbers. Non-financial Factors – Excellent Reputation – Over 3 generations of Luck Family running the company and giving back to the community. As of recent, a renewed campaign called â€Å"The Values Journey† has been implemented with many different core values of leadership to advance the values-based culture of Luck Companies and to build exceptional experiences with their customers and drive differentiated growth. . SWOT analysis – STRENGTHS – Operations, distribution, Human Resources a. Opportunities – Keep Status as Industry Leader in operations of mid-Atlantic region. Expand on industry market share. Continue good relationships with customers – Industry (rock crushing, excavation) is primarily focused on serving general geographical area where the site is located, distribution channel relationships will be maintained as long as they are respected and nurtured. Keep Hum an Resource focus on core values to enable Luck’s reputation to stay intact. b.Threats – Threats to market share are limited because Luck is industry leader in customer service and logistical excellence which is valued by their customers. Human Resource focus with core values training ensures that the company’s core values are evident throughout all departments of Luck Companies. WEAKNESSES- Industry depends heavily on economic conditions. Luck Companies is diversified which is a potential weakness. Availability of Natural Resources. a. Opportunities limited – Economic downturn can devastate the industry which is mostly comprised of home building & furnishing.As shown in Lucks case during 2008 when they had to lay off 1200 associates. Diversification can a weakness if oversight gets lost and core values fade. Industry is dependent on natural resource harvesting (rocks/minerals/etc. ). Depletion is a major concern. b. Threats enhanced – Reduction in market share of economic downturn. Inability to locate more resources due to depletion of resources. 7. Major competitive advantage would be their efficient operations and excellent customer service. c. OPERATIONS V- High value for company and customers (sustainable)R- Rare but not obsolete (parody producing) I – Costly to imitate. Hard to copy economies of scale (sustainable) N – NOT – non-substitutable, there are industry substitutes d. Human Resources V – High Value for customers (sustainable) R – Rare – Luck’s Human Resources are leader in industry (sustainable) I – able to imitate but at high price. Years of core value training has developed excellent HR skills throughout company (sustainable) N – Non-substitutable. Customer care and follow up care are not substitutable. (Sustainable) 8.Current Strategies- Business Level strategy is differentiation – Luck Companies is the industry leader in logistics and exc ellent customer service. Competitors focus on cost leadership strategy. Corporate level – Luck focuses on value training and up keeping their core values that give them a competitive advantage. Cooperative strategy- Luck has acquired formerly known Lee Tennis Court and changed the name to Har-Tru. They are the global leader in tennis court surfacing and their current focus is brand image building in china, then taking their reputation to other markets.International strategy is similar to their cooperative strategy because their only international strategy in based on their Har-Tru acquisition. 9. Firm seems to be excelling in many areas. I don’t see many problem areas other than sustaining market share of Stone division and building brand recognition of Har-Tru in china to promote in other geographic locations around the world. 10. Q1: Do you see Luck Companies entering any other excavation markets such as oil, natural gas, coal (energy)? Q2: How and what benchmark goa ls does Luck Companies have for Har-Tru?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Angelas Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay Example for Free

Angela’s Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay Although these two passages taken from the memoirs; Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt and Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Sallinger, are similar to each other in some aspects, such as mood, perceptions and attitudes towards death etc., their society, culture, and their ages make the contrast between their styles. In the passage from Catcher in the Rye, we see the 17-years-old Holden going to his brother Allie’s grave. From his comments about his brother’s death, we start to interpret his immature and irreverent character. â€Å"I know it’s only his body and all that’s in the cemetery, and his soul’s in Heaven and all that crap†¦Ã¢â‚¬  On the other hand, just like Frank McCourt’s, Holden’s anger, sadness and resentment is seen by his mood and tone. The 5-years-old little Frankie is already witness to his sister Margaret’s death, and now he losts his little brother Oliver. In this scene, where Oliver is buried in the graveyard, Frankie tries to understand the things around him with his childish curiosity and responses. â€Å"I did not want to leave Oliver with them. I threw a rock at a jackdaw that waddled over toward Oliver’s grave.† Nevertheless, although his age, Holden’s inability to come to terms with his brother’s death makes him angry and resentful. â€Å"All the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner – everybody except Allie. I couldn’t stand it.† There are some hints in the passages which suggest about the culture, societies and time the two memoirs took place. Holden says â€Å"the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , whereas Frankie says â€Å"we rode to the hospital in a carriage with a horse† and â€Å"My mother and Aunt Aggie cried, Grandma looked angry, Dad, Uncle Pa Keating, and Uncle Pat Sheehan looked sad but did not cry and I thought that if you’re a mean you can cry only when you have the black stuff that is called the pint.† The â€Å"carriage with a horse† and the people â€Å"running like hell over to their cars† â€Å"and turn on their radios† show us that the scene from Angela’s Ashes took place many years before Catcher in the Rye. Moreover, with Frankie’s childish comment about his family, the men in his family appear as drinkers; this suggests about the Irish culture which all men are drinkers. The same comment also clearly shows us the difference between women and men in their culture. We also see that the two characters’ families and societies are Christian, and believe in the life after death. Holden says â€Å"I know it’s only his body and all that’s in the cemetery, and his soul’s in Heaven and all that crap, but I couldn’t stand it anyway.† On the other hand Frankie explains, â€Å"Dad said I shouldn’t throw rocks at jackdaws, they might be somebody’s soul. I didn’t know what a soul was but I didn’t ask him because I didn’t care.† Their perception towards religion is the same; they both believe in what is taught to them, but in both cases the characters’ sadness and anger are much greater then their religion now, when they lost their brothers whom they love and were connected so much. â€Å"I wish he wasn’t there. You didn’t know him. If you’d known him, you’d know what I mean.† â€Å"Oliver was dead and I hated jackdaws.† Both Frankie and Holden are alone with their thoughts and feelings; they cannot share them with anyone. Holden is too immature and powerless to face his brother’s death and Frankie’s parents wouldn’t answer his question marks about death. The two narrative characters cannot talk about or express their sorrow, they have to keep it inside and divert it into anger and hate of other things or people around them. â€Å"I’d be a man someday and I’d come with a bag of rocks and I’d leave the graveyard littered with dead jackdaws.† â€Å"All the visitors in the cemetery started running like hell over to their cars. That’s what nearly drove me crazy.† Hence the two characters need to heal theirselves by something else; writing. Angela’s Ashes Comparative Commentary. (2017, Aug 22). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How Globalization has strengthened the Hands of Businesses over Essay

How Globalization has strengthened the Hands of Businesses over Industries in Developing Nations to the Failure of Environmental Policies on Global Warming - Essay Example Globalization has set in and there is a worldwide movement towards financial, economic, communication and trade integration. There is a universal opening of local and nationalistic outlooks to broader perspectives of an interdependent and interconnected world. This has enabled free transfer of goods, capital and services across all national frontiers. Despite the immense advantages that globalization of business operations across the world has caused, there are a number of negative externalities if exercised indiscriminately. Other than having worrying impacts on economic development of some economies, globalization has created implicit, negative pressure on environmental sustainability. This work looks at the intricate relationship that globalization has in strengthening the hands of businesses over industries in developing nations to the failure of environmental policies to keep up with the challenges of global warming. Due to globalization, small firms in the developing world have broken free from the bounds of industries they fall under in their countries of origin. The neo-liberal idealism that business premises have embraced since its proposal by classical liberals like David Ricardo and Adam Smith has changed the business perspectives both in the developed and developing economies in a mega way. Since the 18th Century, long before the current state of globalization of economy, neo-liberal ideal has created a self-regulating market (Sliwa, et al., 2000). The difference between the times in the 18th Century and the 21st century is that the degree of embracing neo liberal economy by enterprise and individuals. The laissez faire markets that have been created by the aspect of economic globalization has created freelance of firms. The extent to which the industry has control over the activities of businesses under it is curtailed and limited. In the long run, there are challenges in regulation and i mplementation of policies intended to create sanity in the businesses’ operations. Before globalization took root to the extent it has presently, industries acted the same position monarchs performed in the earliest economic developments. Industries have for a long time presided over the mercantilism duty of monarchs who exercised close to complete control over the earliest economies. Whereas monarchs did this control of economies and all governance factors by amassing large quantities of gold for bellicose purposes, industries perform market regulation by instituting and implementing laws and regulations. The regulations and legal guidelines are geared towards keeping the firms operating in a particular industry in check. In the contemporary world, there is greater need for businesses to portray responsibility in the face of numerous environmental challenges. Developing countries have suffered most due to cases of global warming although they have contributed the least in cr eating the global menace. Economic growth in developing countries has incessantly become faster and the amounts of emissions make it necessary for the nations to strategize on the means of reducing emission of greenhouse gases. Using the current projections, the developing countries will contribute to over half of the greenhouse gases produced in the world if not controlled (Bergita, 2012). Despite the bleak projections, the developing countries have several strategic alternatives where benefits outweigh costs.

Media and Reality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media and Reality - Research Paper Example According to Friedman (2002), we live in a technological phase since persons spend several hours on electronic screens conversing or inquiring on diverse topics. Evidently, television programs; for example, â€Å"All in the Family† can alter people’s perceptions of individuals from other races (Dill, 2009). Exposure to this episode can influence the person to generate an optimistic attitude to other races and compel them to initiate interactive relationships. Such a program can instigate a substantial urge to destroy racial bigotry; thus, becoming a force of societal changes (Dill, 2009). However, this program can differ from the realistic situations existent in the country. Racism can be extensive in numerous areas; however, the program acts on our perception since it shuns the reality. Indeed, reality is our discernment of the truth despite the obvious anomalies in the details that can be existent in the background. Television commercials are created in entertaining f orms to lure the audience. They usually encompass an appealing story displayed repeatedly in attractive designs hoping it will induce the audience to ponder on the commercial message. Perception and Reality Friedman (2002) affirms individuals are currently living in two dissimilar worlds that have contrasting realities. One entails the world that the media channels portray and a world that one experiences by engaging in real processes. There are instances where the conceptualization of these diverse worlds significantly varies; thus, shocking the people since it is differs from the expectations (Dill, 2009). As such, the Media controls how we react to gender roles, sexuality, politics and institutional matters (Friedman, 2002). For example, the American Media relays numerous reports on the security threat of other nations to its citizens. Thus, the media portrays violent content leading to a feeling of paranoia amidst the citizens. Consequently, the sensation of exterior threats and violence propagated by the media was instrumental in propelling the US invasion witnessed in diverse countries; for example, Iraq and Afghanistan. Moreover, the obsession of the media with potential repercus sions of external threats continues to influence airlines, immigration authorities and corporations, which have boosted their security protocols. Interestingly, the repetitive conveyance of the Muslim countries as threats continues to shape the perception of the US populace towards Muslims (Dill, 2009). As such, there were incidences of racial attacks towards American Muslims who fail to engage in the acts of distant relatives. Indeed, this is one of the adverse implications of media on societal perceptions. According to Dill (2009), such influential power of the media is escalating to controversial levels since it is instigating widespread changes in the mannerisms and circumstantial implications on individual lives. Technological advancements are consistently becoming a mechanism of